Refers to people of working age who are actively looking for a job but who are not employed. To calculate:
Hinderances to accuracy
- it does not include discouraged workers, those who are unemployed but dont want to look anymore
- no distinction between part time and full time
- underemployment
- black market
- Does not account for distribution by age, gender, groups.
Costs of unemployment
Economic costs
- Loss of real output
- Loss of income
- loss of revenue for government
- Exacerbates inequality by making rich richer and unemployed harder to find jobs
Social costs
- self esteem
- crime, violence.
Types of unemployment
- Structural unemployment: Changes in demand for labour, changes in geographical location of jobs.
- Frictional unemployment: Switching between jobs.
- Seasonal unemployment: Occurs when demand for labour changes on seasonal basis. Lifeguards, gardeners, farmers.
- Cyclical unemployment: occurs on the downturns of the Business Cycle. Also known as demand-deficient unemployment.
However, there are still Upsides of Unemployment