Provides setting. The story is based on the dystopian depiction of London in war, where it is now part of a continent called “Oceania”.

Opens diary: This was pretty significant, and in it, he alludes the how no one cares what the proles do. I also get a sense of distaste towards the society from Winston’s words.

Two minutes hate: Even Winston, against the ideologies of such society, involuntarily felt obligated to do it, since everyone else is doing it. This makes me wonder, what if there are many others who think like him, but are also just hiding it?

Describing the ruined landscape of london. Rhetorically: “Winston doesnt remember if London always looked this way.” It suggests to the reader the parallels between the fictional world and London during the Second world war. Historically, London was under the constant pressure of Nazi’s and preturding forces. Winston faces a similarly peneatrative pressure — except this time it is from his own governing body. Drawing the parallel between INGSOC and Nazi’s demonstrate Winston’s ideas of the horrors of totalitarian rule. Totalitarian (I can use the word “symmetry” to describe parallels)

Irony: Julia suspected to be thought police, and O’brien hated the party. In fact it was the opposite way.

also Irony in the names of the ministries. The food: Victory gin, victory this victory that.

Themes: Individual vs Collective


  • Introduction of Newspeak: Minitrue, minipax, these abbreviations reveal the ideologies and thoughts of the ruler of London. Strives for the reduction of identity, the homogenization of society, to reduce individuality.
  • Propaganda. The two minutes hate really reflective of it.
  • A little bit on Lust and love. And how it is core to human desires. We see it in the description of the Scarlet sash of the sexy dark hair girl.
  • Rebellion, carelessness of self in the greater good of people, the sacrifice of own tangibles for greater societal good. “I dont care down with big brother.”