“A fist drawn back for a blow was enough to make him pour forth a confession of real and imaginary crimes.” - torture “He became simply a mouth that uttered, a hand that signed, whatever was demanded of him” - torture. Here it also shoes the loss of individuality. Mouths are indistinguishable from others. Between two sets of teeth that yield the same, we are all the same. The party’s torture deprives each individual of their identity, eroding back to a mouth that speaks of what is demanded. Turns out O’brien has watched him for the entire seven years. Then Winston gets tortured brutally. When O’brien talks to him again, he does so in statements. “You are.. you are..“. It is as if he already knows what is inside Winston’s head. It showcases the Party’s power, in knowing.
The past exists only in records and in memories. If the party controls both, they control the past. Reality control.
O’brien makes Winston love him by stopping the pain. “Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as being understood”
Refer back to earlier parts, where Winston believed his victory over the Party is having free thought. O’brien explains that the Party’s purpose is to remove these thoughts entirely. To convert the enemy, not because they are resisting, but for making them comply.
O’brien tells Winston that Julia betrayed him immeidately